Parking your bike in your neighbourhood:
more space for your bike
Hamburg’s local district councils have been busy for many years to make it easier for you to find somewhere to park your bike near where you live. But it is not always easy to find a safe place, especially in densely populated districts. To counter this problem we now have our pilot project bike lockers (Radboxen), which is testing various models for secure neighbourhood bike parking facilities.
The bike lockers (Radboxen) –
a pilot project for neighbourhood bike parking
A new option for more secure and weatherproof bike parking facilities is now moving to your neighbourhood: the bike locker (Radbox)! A bike locker (Radbox) is a “mini bike garage” which can accommodate up to six bikes on a small surface area. These bike lockers (Radboxen) stand in densely populated districts and ensure that you can park your bike safe and protected near where you live. Access is personalized, so that only you can get in.
The pilot project is starting in mid-2024 in four selected districts: 20 bike lockers (Radboxen) will offer parking spaces for 100 bikes at twelve locations in all. The one-year pilot phase is divided into two test cycles: July till December 2024 and January till June 2025. That means that a total of 200 persons will be participating in the bike locker (Radboxen) testing programme. At the start of the pilot project, residents who live in the immediate vicinity of the test locations (within a c. 50 m radius) can apply for a space in one of the bike lockers (Radboxen) to rent it for six months (€ 20) and test it. Attention: The application phase has been completed, so that you unfortunately can no longer apply to take part in the pilot project.
The test persons participate in two obligatory questionnaires during the pilot project, which are intended to evaluate the available options in general and the various types of bike lockers (Radboxen) in particular. The feedback from the test persons will thus feed directly into deciding how to proceed with the bike lockers (Radboxen) after the pilot phase.
And by the way: the bike lockers (Radboxen) should not be confused with the bike sheds, which are not a publicly provided option, but were set up in Hamburg on private initiative The idea is to complement the bike sheds with the bike lockers (Radboxen) as a first step.
Aktueller Status des Pilotprojektes
1. Testzyklus
Der 1. Testzyklus ist in vollem Gange. Die Radboxen sind bezogen und in Betrieb. Die erste der beiden Befragungen hat stattgefunden.
2. Testzyklus
Du interessierst dich für einen Stellplatz während des 2. Testzyklus (Februar - Juli 2025) und wohnst oder arbeitest in unmittelbarer Nähe von einem der Teststandorte? Dann gib uns gern per E-Mail an Bescheid. Am besten teilst du direkt die folgenden Informationen mit uns: Vorname + Nachname, Geburtsdatum, Anschrift, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer.
Wichtig: Solltest du dich bereits für den 1. Testzyklus beworben, aber keinen Stellplatz erhalten haben, haben wir dich für den 2. Testzyklus bereits auf den Zettel.
Die Teststandorte der Radboxen:
Radnetz-Highlights in der Mache
Bike lockers (Radboxen) in Hamburg: why is it all necessary?
More than a million citizens of Hamburg go their ways around the city on their bikes and/or with public transport and count on being able to use a comprehensive, as far as possible interlocking infrastructure– from the bike trail to bike parking facilities at U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations.
In order to make the alternatives to the car as attractive as possible, the City of Hamburg also intends to expand the bike parking facilities in residential neighbourhoods. Analyses show that many people in Hamburg – particularly those who live in densely populated districts – still do not have adequate places where they can park their bikes secure and dry near their homes. The result: bikes are sometimes parked on the pavement, thus potentially obstructing barrier-free movement for other road users. Some also hesitate to use their bikes, often very expensive, for everyday travel for fear of having them vandalized or stolen.
The new bike locker (Radboxen) are therefore intended to provide a solution to the growing demand for secure parking facilities in densely populated districts. Pressure on residents and public paths and spaces will at the same time be relieved and limited public space used more efficiently.
FAQ bike locker (Radboxen) pilot project
Pilot project and test phase
As part of a city-wide pilot project, 20 of the so-called bike lockers (Radboxen) are being tested as a new bike parking concept at 12 locations in all in several residential neighbourhoods of Hamburg. This is a municipal pilot project implemented by P + R-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH (P + R). Since the bike lockers (Radboxen) are a new option, there will be a one-year test phase. The locations for the test phase have been chosen by the local district councils together with the police authorities.
A bike locker (Radboxen) is a so-called mini bike garage with capacity for five or six bikes to be parked securely and protected from bad weather. You can only access it with your personalized access card. With the bike lockers (Radboxen), residents will be getting a new secure and weatherproof parking option in addition to the classic cycle racks and the privately operated bike sheds in the public urban space.
In the pilot phase we are testing five different models.
There are often very few options for residents of densely populated districts to park their bike – either in the building they live in or outside it. Bikes which have been attached, for want of a better alternative, to fences or traffic signs present a potential hazard to passing vehicles or pedestrians and can obstruct the pavements. New bike parking options are being planned to improve this situation in the future. The bike lockers (Radboxen) are a potential element in the City of Hamburg’s long-term strategy to expand bike parking options.
Since the bike lockers (Radboxen) are a new bike parking option in Hamburg, we want to try out the processes and use profiles together with test clients for one year. The locations for the test phase have been chosen by the local district councils together with the police authorities. The testing is particularly helpful in gaining experience and testing the various types of bicycle lockers, which were chosen in a public tender process, as regards their suitability for daily use for long-term operation. The processes and the experience of the test persons will be evaluated during the test year so that a well-informed decision can be made about what form the bicycle lockers will continue to be used in Hamburg looking ahead.
Die Radboxen können von Personen genutzt werden, die in unmittelbarer Nähe von einem der Teststandorte wohnen oder arbeiten und über den Bewerbungsprozess als Testpersonen ausgewählt wurden.
Some 200 residents at the chosen locations will be able to test the bike lockers (Radboxen) during the one-year test phase. One test interval her lasts six months, so that there are two consecutive test groups, each with about 100 residents. We are carrying out this changeover in order to gather as much experience as possible from different persons.
P + R-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH (P + R) takes care of installing and operating the bike lockers (Radboxen). They are also responsible for allocating the places and for customer service as well as cleaning and maintenance of the bike lockers (Radboxen)..
Nein, die P + R ist nicht zuständig für die Genehmigungen von privat organisierten Fahrradparkplätzen auf öffentlichem Grund (wie zum Beispiel Fahrradhäuschen). Dies liegt bei den zuständigen Bezirksämtern.
It is possible to report the need for additional bike parking rails in your neighbourhood. On top of that, you can speak to your landlord about it. If there is room enough to place a mini bike parking garage on private property in front of or e.g. in the back yard of your house, you can apply for a subsidy of 40% for this. More Information at:
Im Verlauf des Testjahres wird gemeinsam mit den Beteiligten aus Politik und Verwaltung auf Grundlage der Evaluation bewertet, in welcher Form die Radbox in Hamburg bleibt. Daher gibt es aktuell keine Möglichkeit, sich für einen langfristigen Stellplatz in einer Radbox für die Zeit nach der Testphase anzumelden und es wird keine Warteliste geführt. Weitere Standorte sowie das Miet- und Preismodell für die Zeit nach der Testphase sind zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt noch offen. Du kannst uns aber gerne deinen Standortwunsch per E-Mail zuschicken mit folgenden Informationen:
- Straße, Hausnummer und Postleitzahl des Standortvorschlages
- Fahrradtyp (herkömmliches Rad, Lastenrad, Dreirad, etc.)
- Dein Vorname und Nachname sowie deine E-Mail-Adresse
Hinweis: Wir sammeln Standortwünsche, um Bedarfe zu erkennen und zu dokumentieren, prüfen aber zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine konkrete Umsetzung.
Die Teststandorte wurden von den Hamburger Bezirksämtern vorgeschlagen. Dabei standen Quartiere im Vordergrund, an denen eine hohe Nachfrage nach neuen Fahrradparkflächen besteht. Im weiteren Genehmigungsprozess hat die P + R gemeinsam mit Bezirksvertretern und der Polizei die genauen Standorte festgelegt.
Several car parks are being altered to make them suitable for bike parking. Analyses of the bike parking situation have shown that there are simply not enough bike parking spaces in densely populated districts. The bike lockers (Radboxen) will enable residents to find secured and weatherproof bike parking options in the public urban space in addition to the classic cycle rack in future.
Da die Radboxen zunächst in einem Pilotprojekt getestet werden, werden aktuell keine zusätzlichen Standorte umgesetzt. Du kannst uns aber gerne deinen Standortwunsch per E-Mail zuschicken mit folgenden Informationen:
- Straße, Hausnummer und Postleitzahl des Standortvorschlages
- Fahrradtyp (herkömmliches Rad, Lastenrad, Dreirad, etc.)
- Dein Vorname und Nachname sowie deine E-Mail-Adresse
Hinweis: Wir sammeln Standortwünsche, um Bedarfe zu erkennen und zu dokumentieren, prüfen aber zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine konkrete Umsetzung.
Bedingungen und Bewerbung für einen Teststellplatz
Der Bewerbungsprozess für den 1. Testzyklus ist abgeschlossen, daher kannst du dich aktuell leider nicht mehr bewerben. Wenn du in unmittelbarer Nähe von einem der Teststandorte wohnst oder arbeitest und Interesse an einem Teststellplatz für den 2. Testzyklus (Februar – Juli 2025) hast, dann gib uns gern per E-Mail an Bescheid. Am besten teilst du direkt die folgenden Informationen mit uns: Vorname + Nachname, Geburtsdatum, Anschrift, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer.
Wichtig: Solltest du dich bereits für den 1. Testzyklus beworben haben, aber keinen Stellplatz erhalten haben, haben wir dich für den 2. Testzyklus bereits auf dem Zettel
We elicited certain basic requirements in the application questionnaire (e.g. whether your home is in the direct vicinity of the test location). If all the minimum requirements for an application were fulfilled and there were more eligible applications than places available, the persons were chosen by lot.
If you received a refusal letter, you will be informed if and when the option of a place becomes available on the reserve list.
There are two test intervals of six months each within the one-year test phase.
A rental fee of € 20 will be charged for the six-month period of use. The test users will additionally be expected to take part in survey polls and to give their feedback. The pricing model for the time after the test phase is currently still undecided.
No. As a test client you are allocated a specific numbered space in a particular bike locker (Radboxen) at your home location and will receive a corresponding access medium (a key or a user card) to get in.
Sorry, that is not possible.
There is currently no way to apply for a long-term parking space in a bike locker (Radboxen) for the time after the test phase.
Praktische Nutzung der Radbox
You need a suitable access medium for the bike locker (Radboxen) - a key or a user card. This will be sent to you by P + R at the beginning of the rental period.
The bike lockers (Radboxen) are designed to take standard bikes which are max. 2.0 metres long and have a maximum of 2 tyres. You cannot park motorbikes, scooters and cargo bikes in a bike locker (Radboxen). Whether specialized bikes or bikes with mounted attachments (e.g. baskets) fit into the bike locker (Radboxen) is a matter to be tried out in the specific case. Bikes with a child’s seat fitted at the back should normally fit in. The focus of the pilot project is on standard bikes – but we bear in mind that further kinds of bikes may be relevant and will consider them as well during the further course of the project.
An e-bike can be parked in the bike locker (Radboxen) as long as it conforms to the dimensions of a standard bike. There is no charging point in the bike locker (Radboxen) and it is not permitted to keep e-bike batteries in it.
No, there are no surveillance cameras. Since the bike lockers stand in the public urban space, this is forbidden by data protection regulations.
No, bikes are not insured by P + R .
Einen Diebstahl deines Fahrrads solltest du bei der Polizei anzeigen. Bitte melde dich zusätzlich bei unserem Radboxen-Kundenservice, damit unser Betriebsteam deine Radbox auf mögliche Schäden überprüfen kann.
Bitte melde dich bei unserem Radboxen-Kundenservice, damit unser Betriebsteam deine Radbox überprüfen kann.
Bitte informiere so schnell wie möglich unseren Radboxen-Kundenservice, damit die betroffene Zugangskarte gesperrt werden kann. Für die Ausstellung einer neuen Karte fällt eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 5,00 € an.
Für einen verlorenen Schlüssel fallen Kosten in Höhe von 15,00 € an.
When the six-month period during which you may use the bike locker (Radboxen) expires, you must give the space back. If your access medium to the locker is a key, you need to send this back to P + R within one week without needing to be prompted to do so. User cards will be disabled; you do not need to send them back to P + R. P + R will take care of the final cleaning of the locker.
Since the bike lockers (Radboxen)are a new concept for bike parking in Hamburg, we want to try out the processes and user experience for one year together with the test persons. Testing in this way can be especially helpful to gain experience and choose the best type among the various bike lockers (Radboxen) with a view to introducing the bike locker (Radboxen) in the long term in Hamburg. So that we can factor in as much experience as possible, two feedback interviews will be held.
The answers of the test persons in the interviews will be used to evaluate the pilot project and the bike lockers (Radboxen). The data will be processed in anonymized form and will not be traceable back to any individual respondent.
Du hast noch Fragen rund um die Radboxen in Hamburg?
Du erreichst die umsetzende P+R-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH montags bis freitags von 8 - 18 Uhr unter 040 328 825 83, per E-Mail an